Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

AVP Tour 2009

This year the AVP Tour was hosted in Riverside (both Doug and I thought it was kind of funny, since usually the tour is held in one of the nearby beach cities). So Doug's firm had tickets for Saturday, so we went out in the 95 degree heat (fortunately there was a bit of a breeze) to check out all the men and women pro volleyball players. We brought one of the youth in our ward, Michael, since we had some extra tickets. It was lots of fun to watch the pros compete.

During one of the breaks in the games they needed two couple volunteers (for which Doug volunteered us) to participate in a relay. It ended being a 3-legged race from one side of the volleyball court to the opposite end (yes, under the net), at which point we each had to drink a Gatorade and then race back to the side of the court where we started. A middle aged couple from Texas was our competition - we made it down to the end of the court and had a decent lead, but I lost it for us when I could only drink 1/4 of my Gatorade and Doug had to finish the rest for me. Drinking large quantities of liquid in a short amount of time is not one of my skills I guess.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

We hope everyone had a very Happy Easter! The Easter Bunny visited Aly this year and surprised her with a new swim suit and some clothes for Hawaii, a new bunny and baby chick stuffed animals, bubbles, a memory foam game and a magna doodle board (she loves).
We spent Easter with my grandparents and my Aunt Becky, Uncle Mike, and cousins. Megan and my Aunt Becky hid some Easter eggs for Alyssa and she was really quick on picking up on finding the eggs. She was so cute looking all over for the eggs. She was determined to check everywhere, just to make sure she didn't miss any.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Alyssa and the park

Aly LOVES the park. Doug and I have just started taking her to the park and she absolutely loves to explore and climb everything. She is quite the little dare devil.

This is Aly's care bear that she got from her Aunt Sarah and Uncle Justin and cousins for her birthday. She loves her care bear. We leave it in the car for her and she loves to hug her bear as we travel.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Aly's owies

So this was a tough week for Alyssa. This last weekend it was super nice and so Doug, Alyssa and I went to the pool. Aly was having a blast running around until she fell on the cement and skinned her knees...poor girl. Then on Tuesday Doug took Aly to the park while I was at a young women's activity and she tripped on the sidewalk and did a face plant with the cement. The sidewalk won again and poor Alyssa had a fat lip that got cut and little scraped chin. So sad! I only saw the aftermath once Doug cleaned her up, but there was plenty of evidence from her injury all over her shirt. Stain stick is a marvelous and wonderful invention.
On a side note, when Alyssa gets hurt and you try to pick her up and comfort her she starts hitting you. I guess she feels she needs to make you hurt as much as she is hurting. Makes it hard to comfort a child when they're hitting you in the face.