Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Alyssa and the park

Aly LOVES the park. Doug and I have just started taking her to the park and she absolutely loves to explore and climb everything. She is quite the little dare devil.

This is Aly's care bear that she got from her Aunt Sarah and Uncle Justin and cousins for her birthday. She loves her care bear. We leave it in the car for her and she loves to hug her bear as we travel.


Eric said...

She is so cute. That's all there is to say - she has the cutest face!!!

mostly sane mother said...

Wow, she's so cute and so big! I can't believe she's running around and climbing and sliding and all that big girl stuff. We need to see you guys soon, before she gets any bigger. Miss you guys!

Kathy L. said...

Oh my she is so so CUTE!!! She looks like such a little doll and what a fun age.

I hope that you guy's are doing great, we miss ya all.

Take care,
Wade and Kathy

Lindsey and Ben said...

She is so cute and so big! She always has the cutest smile on her face!