Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 03, 2010

New Years 2010

For New Years, we were spontaneous and went up to the bay area to visit our friends Cameron and Monica.  We hadn't seen them for a long while and thought it was time to reunite.  We had tons of fun, stayed up way too late and had great food. 

We went into San Francisco on New Year's Eve to eat at Cameron's restaurant   The Toaster Oven good.  I'm so sad they don't have one here in So Cal.  Guess we'll have to make another trip up to San Francisco.  Anyways, I had the kitchen sink sandwich with hot peppers and it was so so good.  YUM!
We stayed up till ring in the New Year.  On New Year's Day we went to Fenton's for ice cream sundaes.  Doug and I recommend the black and tan yummy!

The following day Doug and I headed to Nation's Giant Hamburgers for lunch (we split a hamburger and Alyssa ate all of our fries).  Then we met our friends the San Agustins for dinner at Aqui...I miss this place a lot.  It was fun seeing John, Trista, Morgan and Lauren...we always have fun with you guys.  We finished off the night with a game of Settlers with Cam and Monica and headed home the next day.  We had so much fun...we hope to visit again soon.

The last pic of Alyssa is her scared face..sort of...our camera wasn't quick enough to capture her expression.  There was a pic on the wall that was a little scary and she would look at the pic and get this funny look on her face.


Angie Wycherly said...

Ahhhh.....the black and tan at Fentons. I miss that place. Thanks for introducing it to us!

Amy said...

All that good food. . .I am so jealous!! It sounds like such a fun trip!